

Research Interests

Key publications in Narrative Studies

Martin Gliserman

Rutgers University, and Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies


Corpus Linguistics, Psychoanalysis, Synchronic Narratology, Semantic Unconscious, Body


Psychoanalysis, Language and the Body of the Text. University Press of Florida, 1996.


Jeremy Hight

Los Angeles Mission College


new narratives, spatial narratives, locative narrative, scientific data driven narrative


Narrative Archaeology (, Narrative Archaeology:Reading The Landscape (, Views from Above: Locative Narrative and the Landscape ( pending in Leonardo)

Dr Marina Lambrou

University of East London

Oral Narratives; Narratology; Ethnography; Cross Cultural Storytelling; Sociolinguistics


Lambrou, M. (2003) �Collaborative oral narratives of general experience: when an interview becomes a conversation�, in Language and Literature, 12 (2), pp. 153-174


Ruth Page

University of Central England

Feminist narratology, sociolinguistics, cross cultural storytelling, CDA, narratives in new media

(forthcoming) �Gender�, in The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, edited David Herman. CUP. (Intended date of publication, 2006)


(2006)       Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Feminist Narratology.�� Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.


(2003)"'Cherie: lawyer, wife, mum': contradictory patterns of representation in media reports of Cherie Booth/Blair."Discourse and Society 14 (5): 559-579


M� Dolores Porto Requejo


University of Alcal� (Spain)



Text worlds

Cognitive Linguistics, specially metaphors and categories to construct the meaning of linguistic units: words, sentences or texts.


(2003) �La Fantas�a �pica: Creaci�n de Mundos Imaginarios�. In Fern�ndez V�zquez, Labra Cenitagoytia and Laso y Le�n (eds) Realismo Social y Mundos Imaginarios: Una convivencia para el siglo XXIServicio de publicacionesde la universidad de Alcal�. (Pp. 660-671)


(2005) �A Cognitive Approach to Discourse Analysis: Getting the Gist of a Text Through Conceptual Metaphors�. In Otal Campo, Navarro i Ferrando y Bell�s Fortu�o (eds) Cognitive And Discourse Approaches To Metaphor And Metonymy. Castell�n.Universitat Jaume I. (Pp. 123-131)


(In preparation) �Creative Lexical Categorization in a Narrative Fiction�. In Munat (ed) Lexical creativity, Texts and Contexts. Amsterdam. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Henrik Sch�rfe

Department of Communication, Aalborg University - Denmark

Narrative theory and meta-theory

Cultural and historical impact on theory building

Possible worlds and temporal structures in narratives

Computational aspects of narrative


Computer Aided Narrative Analysis. Henrik Sch�rfe � 2004. Ph.D. dissertation, Aalborg University. Available from


Representing Time and Modality in Narratives with Conceptual Graphs. Henrik Sch�rfe and Peter �hrstr�m in A. de Moor, W. Lex, B.Ganter (Eds.) Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Creation and Communication. Pp. 201-214 Springer Verlag 2003 LNAI 2746


Narratologies of the East and West / 东西方叙述学 Project description
Co-authored by Chantelle Warner.
Available from:


Violeta Sotirova


School of English Studies

University of Nottingham


narrative perspective, consciousness presentation, dialogicity, modernism, interactional sociolinguistics


Sotirova, V. (2004) �Connectives in free indirect style: continuity or shift?�, Language and Literature, 13(3): 216-34.


Sotirova, V. (in press) �Charting stylistic change: D.H. Lawrence�s handling

of narrative point of view�, English Studies, 2006.


Sotirova, V. (in press) �Repetition in free indirect style: a dialogue of minds,� Style, 2005.


Dr Anna Udd�n

Department of English, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN


Eighteenth-century English novel, Narratology, Speech Act Theory, Literary History, Realism


Veils of Irony � The Development of Narrative Technique in Women's Novels of the 1790s, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2000.


Richard Walsh


University of York

Fictionality; narrative media; early film


�Who Is the Narrator?� Poetics Today, vol. 18 no. 4, pp. 495-513 (1997).


�Fabula and Fictionality in Narrative Theory.� Style, vol. 35 no. 4, pp. 592-606 (2001).


�The Pragmatics of Narrative Fictionality.� James Phelan and Peter Rabinowitz, eds., The Blackwell Companion to Narrative Theory, pp.150-64. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.


Chantelle N. Warner

University of California, Berkeley

narratology, genre, autobiography and witness literature, literary linguistics, twentieth-century German and Dutch literature